
No matter if you are starting from scratch or are looking to plus an existing character, we can help you get there. Using quick sketches, color renders and digital 3D modeling & animation, we can help you develop the personality and look of your character; combining the form, function, and style that will most effectively communicate your story and emotionally connect with the audience.

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Early Engagement

At Anthrobot Creative we believe that a strong character has to be developed within the context of a focused story. For this reason early collaboration with show writers, production designers and art directors is highly valued. The look and function of a successful character usually takes many turns before it is final. With robotic applications, early collaboration with engineering and other technical disciples is also very important. Being aware of functional capabilities and limitations contribute to a more informed and iterative design process and results in stronger performances in the end.


Human/Robot Applications

Human/Robot interaction is another area of interest at Anthrobot Creative. With the proliferation of robotics in our day to day lives, we see the coming need for humans to be able to interact comfortably with these machines. We have a great interest in how anthropomorphic design principles that have been used in the arts for years, could be of use outside of the entertainment industry.